Behind The Betting Lines Dec 24 2003

Dec 24 2003
By Wilson King
Football Sports Betting – Inside the college football betting lines

Santa Claus

1 Reindeer Run

North Pole


Dear Santa,

It’s the night before Christmas, and all the through December, we can’t win a game.  It’s the worst month I can remember.

If you have a little magic left in that old red sack of yours, can you bring a couple of wins to your old pals at Oasis.  I know we had a great deal to give thanks for in November, but this December has been horrible.

Now, I realize that I may have found my way to the “naughty list” this year, but swear I had no idea that that chick was a cop.  Either way, isn’t Christmas about giving?

We have not won a game in ages, and the future looks bleak.  The lines are way off and the public is rolling.  Favorites are the play, and folks are cashing in.  Teasers cover every week, sometimes both sides.  There is just too much parity in the league.  The public is litteraly buying their way to victories, and there is nothing we can do to stop them.  It certainly does not help that we have the highest parlay and teaser payouts in the industry.

Now, I know even you can not undue a decade of economic equality in the NFL, but how about you slide a few late season wins under our tree?  I’m not even talking about record-breaking wins.  I’m just asking for a one or two major decisions…and maybe one or two more Joe Namath sound bytes.  Is that too much to ask?

Either way, I appreciate anything you can do for your old pals at Oasis.

Safe travels,
Wilson King