Bet Labs Mailbag: Are the Packers a Better 1st or 2nd Half Bet?
On Thursday, we reached out to our Twitter followers and asked them to Tweet betting system questions for us to run using our Bet Labs software. We want to thank everyone who participated and have posted our favorite questions and answers below. If you’re interested creating your own data-driven betting systems, contact us for a free live demo of our Bet Labs software.
Please note that some Tweets have been modified to spell out abbreviations or add sport type to original questions.
@westernrattler: What is the record if you bet on the packers 1st half ats.. and against them 2nd ats Thanks.
@SportsInsights: GB is 82-72 1st Half, betting against is 69-86 in 2nd Half.
@projectpat214: How are [NFL] home faves coming off byes?
@SportsInsights: 71-54 Against the Spread
@MissOrHit: do you have any RLM [reverse-line movement] stats comparing NFL and NBA?
@SportsInsights: In NFL, 260-216 when less than 40% of bets and line drops.
@Junebug_Joe: [NFL] Home dogs after a bye?
@SportsInsights: 29-27 ATS
@JSutel: NBA teams on 2nd night of a back to back?
@SportsInsights: 623-716 at home, 1379-1348 on the road.
@DownIsTheNewUp_: are [NFL] road faves off a bye still above 70% since 2003?
@SportsInsights: Yes, currently at 75.6 %
@mpbrinkmann: How is San Antonio ATS coming home after an away loss?
@SportsInsights: Spurs are 32-35 ATS as a home team coming off any loss.
If you have questions for our Bet Labs Mailbag, please Tweet them throughout the week to @SportsInsights on Twitter using #BetLabs or email them directly to us at help@sportsinsights.com.
We’ll pick our favorites each week and post answers every Friday.
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